American history through generations of Jones

Join me on the journey of the Jones family, post-Revolution, into the wilderness of the northern Georgia territory, where the Creek and Cherokee nations thrived. His return to a land that once brought his family grief would become his sole opportunity to claim his own piece of land. As Georgia experienced rapid economic growth, the sacred land quickly became populated, leading to conflicts with native discord and a resurgence of war.
War was an unfortunate constant, as was the era of Prohibition that targeted alcohol, a substance that naturally brewed among the settlers in the lower Appalachian region and extended into Tennessee. Although Georgia farmers possessed fertile soil, their fruits often struggled to find buyers. However, the resourceful pioneers of north Georgia discovered a solution for their rotting peaches and apples: transforming them into distilled brandy and whiskey. In times when Georgia faced hardships, their only solace came from moonshine and the daring pursuit of evading the law.